Manipulating Data in R

Jubayer Hossain

December 28, 2022

Recap of Data Cleaning

  •,any(, count(), and functions from naniar like gg_miss_var() can help determine if we have NA values
  • filter() automatically removes NA values - can’t confirm or deny if condition is met (need | to keep them)
  • drop_na() can help you remove NA values from a variable or an entire data frame
  • NA values can change your calculation results
  • think about what NA values represent

Recap of Data Cleaning

  • recode() can help with simple recoding (not based on condition but simple swap)
  • case_when() can recode entire values based on conditions
    • remember case_when() needs TRUE ~ varaible to keep values that aren’t specified by conditions, otherwise will be NA
  • stringr package has great functions for looking for specific parts of values especially filter() and str_detect() combined
    • also has other useful string manipulation functions like str_replace() and more!
    • separate() can split columns into additional columns
    • unite() can combine columns
  • Day 5 Cheatsheet

Manipulating Data

In this module, we will show you how to:

  1. Reshape data from wide to long
  2. Reshape data from long to wide
  3. Merge Data/Joins

What is wide/long data?

A gif visualization of data going from wide to long form.

What is wide/long data?

Data is stored differently in the tibble.

Wide: has many columns

# A tibble: 1 × 4
  State   June_vacc_rate May_vacc_rate April_vacc_rate
  <chr>   <chr>          <chr>         <chr>          
1 Alabama 37.2%          36.0%         32.4%          

Long: column names become data

# A tibble: 3 × 3
  State   name            value
  <chr>   <chr>           <chr>
1 Alabama June_vacc_rate  37.2%
2 Alabama May_vacc_rate   36.0%
3 Alabama April_vacc_rate 32.4%

What is wide/long data?

Wide: multiple columns per individual, values spread across multiple columns

# A tibble: 2 × 4
  State   June_vacc_rate May_vacc_rate April_vacc_rate
  <chr>   <chr>          <chr>         <chr>          
1 Alabama 37.2%          36.0%         32.4%          
2 Alaska  47.5%          46.2%         41.7%          

Long: multiple rows per observation, a single column contains the values

# A tibble: 6 × 3
  State   name            value
  <chr>   <chr>           <chr>
1 Alabama June_vacc_rate  37.2%
2 Alabama May_vacc_rate   36.0%
3 Alabama April_vacc_rate 32.4%
4 Alaska  June_vacc_rate  47.5%
5 Alaska  May_vacc_rate   46.2%
6 Alaska  April_vacc_rate 41.7%

What is wide/long data?

Data is wide or long with respect to certain variables.

Wide versus long data rearanges the position of column names and row content.

Why do we need to switch between wide/long data?

Wide: Easier for humans to read

# A tibble: 2 × 4
  State   June_vacc_rate May_vacc_rate April_vacc_rate
  <chr>   <chr>          <chr>         <chr>          
1 Alabama 37.2%          36.0%         32.4%          
2 Alaska  47.5%          46.2%         41.7%          

Long: Easier for R to make plots & do analysis

# A tibble: 6 × 3
  State   name            value
  <chr>   <chr>           <chr>
1 Alabama June_vacc_rate  37.2%
2 Alabama May_vacc_rate   36.0%
3 Alabama April_vacc_rate 32.4%
4 Alaska  June_vacc_rate  47.5%
5 Alaska  May_vacc_rate   46.2%
6 Alaska  April_vacc_rate 41.7%

Pivoting using tidyr package

tidyr allows you to “tidy” your data. We will be talking about:

  • pivot_longer - make multiple columns into variables, (wide to long)
  • pivot_wider - make a variable into multiple columns, (long to wide)
  • separate - string into multiple columns (review)

The reshape command exists. It is a confusing function. Don’t use it.

You might see old functions gather and spread when googling. These are the old names for pivot_longer and pivot_wider, respectively.


Reshaping data from wide to long

pivot_longer() - puts column data into rows (tidyr package)

  • First describe which columns we want to “pivot_longer”
{long_data} <- {wide_data} %>% pivot_longer(cols = {columns to pivot})

Reshaping data from wide to long

# A tibble: 1 × 3
  June_vacc_rate May_vacc_rate April_vacc_rate
  <chr>          <chr>         <chr>          
1 37.2%          36.0%         32.4%          
long_data <- wide_data %>% pivot_longer(cols = everything())
# A tibble: 3 × 2
  name            value
  <chr>           <chr>
1 June_vacc_rate  37.2%
2 May_vacc_rate   36.0%
3 April_vacc_rate 32.4%

Reshaping data from wide to long

pivot_longer() - puts column data into rows (tidyr package)

  • First describe which columns we want to “pivot_longer”
  • names_to = gives a new name to the pivoted columns
  • values_to = gives a new name to the values that used to be in those columns
{long_data} <- {wide_data} %>% pivot_longer(cols = {columns to pivot},
                                        names_to = {New column name: contains old column names},
                                        values_to = {New column name: contains cell values})

Reshaping data from wide to long

# A tibble: 1 × 3
  June_vacc_rate May_vacc_rate April_vacc_rate
  <chr>          <chr>         <chr>          
1 37.2%          36.0%         32.4%          
long_data <- wide_data %>% pivot_longer(cols = everything(),
                                        names_to = "Month",
                                        values_to = "Rate")
# A tibble: 3 × 2
  Month           Rate 
  <chr>           <chr>
1 June_vacc_rate  37.2%
2 May_vacc_rate   36.0%
3 April_vacc_rate 32.4%

Data used: Charm City Circulator

circ <- read_circulator()
head(circ, 5)
# A tibble: 5 × 15
  day      date  orang…¹ orang…² orang…³ purpl…⁴ purpl…⁵ purpl…⁶ green…⁷ green…⁸
  <chr>    <chr>   <dbl>   <dbl>   <dbl>   <dbl>   <dbl>   <dbl>   <dbl>   <dbl>
1 Monday   01/1…     877    1027    952       NA      NA      NA      NA      NA
2 Tuesday  01/1…     777     815    796       NA      NA      NA      NA      NA
3 Wednesd… 01/1…    1203    1220   1212.      NA      NA      NA      NA      NA
4 Thursday 01/1…    1194    1233   1214.      NA      NA      NA      NA      NA
5 Friday   01/1…    1645    1643   1644       NA      NA      NA      NA      NA
# … with 5 more variables: greenAverage <dbl>, bannerBoardings <dbl>,
#   bannerAlightings <dbl>, bannerAverage <dbl>, daily <dbl>, and abbreviated
#   variable names ¹​orangeBoardings, ²​orangeAlightings, ³​orangeAverage,
#   ⁴​purpleBoardings, ⁵​purpleAlightings, ⁶​purpleAverage, ⁷​greenBoardings,
#   ⁸​greenAlightings

Reshaping data from wide to long

long <- circ %>% 
# A tibble: 13,752 × 5
   day    date       daily name             value
   <chr>  <chr>      <dbl> <chr>            <dbl>
 1 Monday 01/11/2010   952 orangeBoardings    877
 2 Monday 01/11/2010   952 orangeAlightings  1027
 3 Monday 01/11/2010   952 orangeAverage      952
 4 Monday 01/11/2010   952 purpleBoardings     NA
 5 Monday 01/11/2010   952 purpleAlightings    NA
 6 Monday 01/11/2010   952 purpleAverage       NA
 7 Monday 01/11/2010   952 greenBoardings      NA
 8 Monday 01/11/2010   952 greenAlightings     NA
 9 Monday 01/11/2010   952 greenAverage        NA
10 Monday 01/11/2010   952 bannerBoardings     NA
# … with 13,742 more rows

Reshaping data from wide to long

There are many ways to select the columns we want. Use ?tidyr_tidy_select to look at more column selection options.

long <- circ %>% 
  pivot_longer( !c(day, date, daily))
# A tibble: 13,752 × 5
   day    date       daily name             value
   <chr>  <chr>      <dbl> <chr>            <dbl>
 1 Monday 01/11/2010   952 orangeBoardings    877
 2 Monday 01/11/2010   952 orangeAlightings  1027
 3 Monday 01/11/2010   952 orangeAverage      952
 4 Monday 01/11/2010   952 purpleBoardings     NA
 5 Monday 01/11/2010   952 purpleAlightings    NA
 6 Monday 01/11/2010   952 purpleAverage       NA
 7 Monday 01/11/2010   952 greenBoardings      NA
 8 Monday 01/11/2010   952 greenAlightings     NA
 9 Monday 01/11/2010   952 greenAverage        NA
10 Monday 01/11/2010   952 bannerBoardings     NA
# … with 13,742 more rows

Reshaping data from wide to long

long %>% count(name)
# A tibble: 12 × 2
   name                 n
   <chr>            <int>
 1 bannerAlightings  1146
 2 bannerAverage     1146
 3 bannerBoardings   1146
 4 greenAlightings   1146
 5 greenAverage      1146
 6 greenBoardings    1146
 7 orangeAlightings  1146
 8 orangeAverage     1146
 9 orangeBoardings   1146
10 purpleAlightings  1146
11 purpleAverage     1146
12 purpleBoardings   1146

Cleaning up long data

We will use str_replace from the stringr package to put _ in the names

long <- long %>% mutate(
  name = str_replace(name, "Board", "_Board"),
  name = str_replace(name, "Alight", "_Alight"),
  name = str_replace(name, "Average", "_Average") 
# A tibble: 13,752 × 5
   day    date       daily name              value
   <chr>  <chr>      <dbl> <chr>             <dbl>
 1 Monday 01/11/2010   952 orange_Boardings    877
 2 Monday 01/11/2010   952 orange_Alightings  1027
 3 Monday 01/11/2010   952 orange_Average      952
 4 Monday 01/11/2010   952 purple_Boardings     NA
 5 Monday 01/11/2010   952 purple_Alightings    NA
 6 Monday 01/11/2010   952 purple_Average       NA
 7 Monday 01/11/2010   952 green_Boardings      NA
 8 Monday 01/11/2010   952 green_Alightings     NA
 9 Monday 01/11/2010   952 green_Average        NA
10 Monday 01/11/2010   952 banner_Boardings     NA
# … with 13,742 more rows

Cleaning up long data

Now each var is Boardings, Averages, or Alightings. We use “into =” to name the new columns and “sep =” to show where the separation should happen.

long <- long %>% 
  separate(name, into = c("line", "type"), sep = "_")
# A tibble: 13,752 × 6
   day    date       daily line   type       value
   <chr>  <chr>      <dbl> <chr>  <chr>      <dbl>
 1 Monday 01/11/2010   952 orange Boardings    877
 2 Monday 01/11/2010   952 orange Alightings  1027
 3 Monday 01/11/2010   952 orange Average      952
 4 Monday 01/11/2010   952 purple Boardings     NA
 5 Monday 01/11/2010   952 purple Alightings    NA
 6 Monday 01/11/2010   952 purple Average       NA
 7 Monday 01/11/2010   952 green  Boardings     NA
 8 Monday 01/11/2010   952 green  Alightings    NA
 9 Monday 01/11/2010   952 green  Average       NA
10 Monday 01/11/2010   952 banner Boardings     NA
# … with 13,742 more rows


Reshaping data from long to wide

pivot_wider() - spreads row data into columns (tidyr package)

  • names_from = the old column whose contents will be spread into multiple new column names.
  • values_from = the old column whose contents will fill in the values of those new columns.
{wide_data} <- {long_data} %>% 
  pivot_wider(names_from = {Old column name: contains new column names},
              values_from = {Old column name: contains new cell values})

Reshaping data from long to wide

# A tibble: 3 × 2
  Month           Rate 
  <chr>           <chr>
1 June_vacc_rate  37.2%
2 May_vacc_rate   36.0%
3 April_vacc_rate 32.4%
wide_data <- long_data %>% pivot_wider(names_from = "Month", 
                                       values_from = "Rate") 
# A tibble: 1 × 3
  June_vacc_rate May_vacc_rate April_vacc_rate
  <chr>          <chr>         <chr>          
1 37.2%          36.0%         32.4%          

Reshaping Charm City Circulator

# A tibble: 13,752 × 6
   day    date       daily line   type       value
   <chr>  <chr>      <dbl> <chr>  <chr>      <dbl>
 1 Monday 01/11/2010   952 orange Boardings    877
 2 Monday 01/11/2010   952 orange Alightings  1027
 3 Monday 01/11/2010   952 orange Average      952
 4 Monday 01/11/2010   952 purple Boardings     NA
 5 Monday 01/11/2010   952 purple Alightings    NA
 6 Monday 01/11/2010   952 purple Average       NA
 7 Monday 01/11/2010   952 green  Boardings     NA
 8 Monday 01/11/2010   952 green  Alightings    NA
 9 Monday 01/11/2010   952 green  Average       NA
10 Monday 01/11/2010   952 banner Boardings     NA
# … with 13,742 more rows

Reshaping Charm City Circulator

wide <- long %>% pivot_wider(names_from = "type", 
                             values_from = "value") 
# A tibble: 4,584 × 7
   day       date       daily line   Boardings Alightings Average
   <chr>     <chr>      <dbl> <chr>      <dbl>      <dbl>   <dbl>
 1 Monday    01/11/2010  952  orange       877       1027    952 
 2 Monday    01/11/2010  952  purple        NA         NA     NA 
 3 Monday    01/11/2010  952  green         NA         NA     NA 
 4 Monday    01/11/2010  952  banner        NA         NA     NA 
 5 Tuesday   01/12/2010  796  orange       777        815    796 
 6 Tuesday   01/12/2010  796  purple        NA         NA     NA 
 7 Tuesday   01/12/2010  796  green         NA         NA     NA 
 8 Tuesday   01/12/2010  796  banner        NA         NA     NA 
 9 Wednesday 01/13/2010 1212. orange      1203       1220   1212.
10 Wednesday 01/13/2010 1212. purple        NA         NA     NA 
# … with 4,574 more rows


  • tidyr package helps us convert between wide and long data
  • pivot_longer() goes from wide -> long
    • Specify columns you want to pivot
    • Specify names_to = and values_to = for custom naming
  • pivot_wider() goes from long -> wide
    • Specify names_from = and values_from =

Lab Part 1

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Joining in dplyr

  • Merging/joining data sets together - usually on key variables, usually “id”
  • ?join - see different types of joining for dplyr
  • inner_join(x, y) - only rows that match for x and y are kept
  • full_join(x, y) - all rows of x and y are kept
  • left_join(x, y) - all rows of x are kept even if not merged with y
  • right_join(x, y) - all rows of y are kept even if not merged with x
  • anti_join(x, y) - all rows from x not in y keeping just columns from x.

Merging: Simple Data

# A tibble: 2 × 3
  State   June_vacc_rate May_vacc_rate
  <chr>   <chr>          <chr>        
1 Alabama 37.2%          36.0%        
2 Alaska  47.5%          46.2%        
# A tibble: 2 × 2
  State  April_vacc_rate
  <chr>  <chr>          
1 Maine  32.4%          
2 Alaska 41.7%          

Inner Join

A gif showing the inner joining of two simple datasets.

Inner Join

ij = inner_join(data_As, data_cold)
Joining, by = "State"
# A tibble: 1 × 4
  State  June_vacc_rate May_vacc_rate April_vacc_rate
  <chr>  <chr>          <chr>         <chr>          
1 Alaska 47.5%          46.2%         41.7%          

Left Join

A gif showing the left joining of two simple datasets.

Left Join

lj = left_join(data_As, data_cold)
Joining, by = "State"
# A tibble: 2 × 4
  State   June_vacc_rate May_vacc_rate April_vacc_rate
  <chr>   <chr>          <chr>         <chr>          
1 Alabama 37.2%          36.0%         <NA>           
2 Alaska  47.5%          46.2%         41.7%          

Install tidylog package to log outputs

# install.packages("tidylog")
left_join(data_As, data_cold)
Joining, by = "State"
left_join: added one column (April_vacc_rate)
> rows only in x 1
> rows only in y (1)
> matched rows 1
> ===
> rows total 2
# A tibble: 2 × 4
  State   June_vacc_rate May_vacc_rate April_vacc_rate
  <chr>   <chr>          <chr>         <chr>          
1 Alabama 37.2%          36.0%         <NA>           
2 Alaska  47.5%          46.2%         41.7%          

Right Join

A gif showing the right joining of two simple datasets.

Right Join

rj <- right_join(data_As, data_cold)
Joining, by = "State"
right_join: added one column (April_vacc_rate)
> rows only in x (1)
> rows only in y 1
> matched rows 1
> ===
> rows total 2
# A tibble: 2 × 4
  State  June_vacc_rate May_vacc_rate April_vacc_rate
  <chr>  <chr>          <chr>         <chr>          
1 Alaska 47.5%          46.2%         41.7%          
2 Maine  <NA>           <NA>          32.4%          

Left Join: Switching arguments

lj2 <- left_join(data_cold, data_As)
Joining, by = "State"
left_join: added 2 columns (June_vacc_rate, May_vacc_rate)
> rows only in x 1
> rows only in y (1)
> matched rows 1
> ===
> rows total 2
# A tibble: 2 × 4
  State  April_vacc_rate June_vacc_rate May_vacc_rate
  <chr>  <chr>           <chr>          <chr>        
1 Maine  32.4%           <NA>           <NA>         
2 Alaska 41.7%           47.5%          46.2%        

Full Join

A gif showing the full joining of two simple datasets.

Full Join

fj <- full_join(data_As, data_cold)
Joining, by = "State"
full_join: added one column (April_vacc_rate)
> rows only in x 1
> rows only in y 1
> matched rows 1
> ===
> rows total 3
# A tibble: 3 × 4
  State   June_vacc_rate May_vacc_rate April_vacc_rate
  <chr>   <chr>          <chr>         <chr>          
1 Alabama 37.2%          36.0%         <NA>           
2 Alaska  47.5%          46.2%         41.7%          
3 Maine   <NA>           <NA>          32.4%          

Watch out for “includes duplicates

# A tibble: 2 × 2
  State   state_bird      
  <chr>   <chr>           
1 Alabama wild turkey     
2 Alaska  willow ptarmigan
# A tibble: 3 × 3
  State  vacc_rate month
  <chr>  <chr>     <chr>
1 Maine  32.4%     April
2 Alaska 41.7%     April
3 Alaska 46.2%     May  

Watch out for “includes duplicates

lj <- left_join(data_As, data_cold)
Joining, by = "State"
left_join: added 2 columns (vacc_rate, month)
> rows only in x 1
> rows only in y (1)
> matched rows 2 (includes duplicates)
> ===
> rows total 3

Watch out for “includes duplicates

Data including the joining column (“State”) has been duplicated.

# A tibble: 3 × 4
  State   state_bird       vacc_rate month
  <chr>   <chr>            <chr>     <chr>
1 Alabama wild turkey      <NA>      <NA> 
2 Alaska  willow ptarmigan 41.7%     April
3 Alaska  willow ptarmigan 46.2%     May  

Note that “Alaska willow ptarmigan” appears twice.

Watch out for “includes duplicates

A gif showing how data can be duplicated from one dataset when joining two simple datasets.

Stop tidylog



  • The duplicated function can give you indications if there are duplicates in a vector:
duplicated(c(1:5, 1))
lj %>% mutate(dup_State = duplicated(State))
# A tibble: 3 × 5
  State   state_bird       vacc_rate month dup_State
  <chr>   <chr>            <chr>     <chr> <lgl>    
1 Alabama wild turkey      <NA>      <NA>  FALSE    
2 Alaska  willow ptarmigan 41.7%     April FALSE    
3 Alaska  willow ptarmigan 46.2%     May   TRUE     

Using the by argument

By default joins use the intersection of column names. If by is specified, it uses that.

full_join(data_As, data_cold, by = "State")
# A tibble: 4 × 4
  State   state_bird       vacc_rate month
  <chr>   <chr>            <chr>     <chr>
1 Alabama wild turkey      <NA>      <NA> 
2 Alaska  willow ptarmigan 41.7%     April
3 Alaska  willow ptarmigan 46.2%     May  
4 Maine   <NA>             32.4%     April

Using the by argument

You can join based on multiple columns by using something like by = c(col1, col2).

If the datasets have two different names for the same data, use:

full_join(x, y, by = c("a" = "b"))

Using “setdiff

We might want to determine what indexes ARE in the first dataset that AREN’T in the second:

# A tibble: 2 × 2
  State   state_bird      
  <chr>   <chr>           
1 Alabama wild turkey     
2 Alaska  willow ptarmigan
# A tibble: 3 × 3
  State  vacc_rate month
  <chr>  <chr>     <chr>
1 Maine  32.4%     April
2 Alaska 41.7%     April
3 Alaska 46.2%     May  

Using “setdiff

Use setdiff to determine what indexes ARE in the first dataset that AREN’T in the second:

A_states <- data_As %>% pull(State)
cold_states <- data_cold %>% pull(State)
setdiff(A_states, cold_states)
[1] "Alabama"
setdiff(cold_states, A_states)
[1] "Maine"


  • Merging/joining data sets together - assumes all column names that overlap
    • use the by = c("a" = "b") if they differ
  • inner_join(x, y) - only rows that match for x and y are kept
  • full_join(x, y) - all rows of x and y are kept
  • left_join(x, y) - all rows of x are kept even if not merged with y
  • right_join(x, y) - all rows of y are kept even if not merged with x
  • Use the tidylog package for a detailed summary
  • setdiff(x, y) shows what in x is missing from y

Lab Part 2

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The end!